Brian Hamilton Foundation Youth Entrepreneurship

Raleigh, NC | Online

Our goal is to teach entrepreneurship to students in order to provide an additional pathway to economic opportunity.

For decades, Brian has been inspiring young minds to turn their passions into profit. With interactive and humor-filled presentations, Brian now helps youth to realize undiscovered skills and teaches them how to apply their diverse life experiences to entrepreneurial ventures. Ranging from topics of customer service to personal finances to building confidence, Brian has equipped hundreds of middle school students with the tools necessary to start their own low-capital businesses.

Who is this program for?

Students under the age of 18.

What problem does it solve?

Many kids in our nation lack exposure to the benefits of entrepreneurship. Their disadvantaged background locks them out of opportunity to climb the economic ladder. Entrepreneurship should be for everyone in America, not just the privileged.

How does it help?

Our youth education program aims to reach students under the age of 18 to offer an additional pathway to economic opportunity. Through entrepreneurship classes, we equip students with another tool in their toolbox to enjoy secure and productive lives


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