NC State IES Manufacturer Resources

Raleigh, NC | Online

NC State IES Manufacturer Resources administers the most comprehensive North Carolina manufacturing assistance program, anchored by the NCMEP.

The NC State IES Manufacturer Resources team of regional extension agents and experienced technical specialists are engaging and providing solutions to hundreds of manufacturers across the state.

At NC State IES Manufacturer Resources we also provide opportunities to connect and network with other North Carolina manufacturers with the MNC Network, the premier networking opportunity for North Carolina manufacturers to engage broadly with local, regional, and statewide peer companies to benefit through the sharing of innovative ideas and best practices. Members have unlimited access to multiple channels of learning and contributing including enhanced content and services from the MNC manufacturers database.

Who is this program for?

North Carolina Manufacturers.

What problem does it solve?

Connecting and networking with other North Carolina manufacturers can be challenging, as can finding the assistance you need.

How does it help?

The IES team provides customized solutions and networking opportunities to hundreds of manufacturers across the state.

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