Apex Planning and Community Development

Apex, NC | Online

Providing coordinated guidance and regulation of the growth and development of the Town of Apex.

The mission of the Apex Planning and Community Development Department is to provide coordinated guidance and regulation of the growth and development of the Town of Apex. We review subdivision and site development plans, create and implement long-range land use, transportation, and hazard mitigation plans, and enforce the Town's Unified Development Ordinance. The Apex Planning Community Development Department also provides provision of professional advice and technical expertise to the citizens, elected officials, appointed boards and committees, and other departments of the Town of Apex.

The Apex Planning and Community Development Department is committed to ensuring quality development within the Town of Apex that protects environmentally sensitive areas, provides for adequate transportation networks, promotes economic vitality, provides quality housing at affordable prices, and promotes a sense of community that is compatible with the small-town character of Apex.

Who is this program for?

Property owners, developers, and businesses in the Apex-area in need of proper resources, applications, and forms.

What problem does it solve?

It can be a challenge to find the appropriate documentation, applications, and forms needed for zoning, land use, signage, and miscellaneous regulations.

How does it help?

Our Planning and Development Services can assist you in areas such as moving into an existing building, new building projects, and what to do when you encounter regulatory fees.


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