
Durham, NC | Online

A non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of entrepreneurs in all industries and at all levels of business maturity.

We help entrepreneurs connect the dots! Our mentoring is impartial, and our approach is to advise and guide entrepreneurs so that they have a sense of accomplishment in making their own business decisions. In this way, they "own" their decisions. We do not do their work for them, but we do encourage them to do the right work. When help is needed from other business experts, we make referrals and active introductions to the entrepreneur from our extensive base of business contacts. In addition to our guidance, we ask many questions that help the entrepreneurs determine if they have all the information that they need to make well-founded business decisions. Then, we simply hold them accountable for achieving their own business objectives, meeting their commitments, and following through on their own decisions.

Who is this program for?

Entrepreneurs and business owners.

What problem does it solve?

All businesses face change, and for most of us, we face a moment in time when we get stuck, whether we're just getting started or we've been in business for many years.

How does it help?

For new businesses, we start with Ideation and work through the process to create a plan for the business and then launch. For existing businesses, we assess the status of the business and determine which process steps are going to be needed in order to move the business forward.

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