The Boost Pad

Charlotte, NC | In-person

We help underrepresented founders build the businesses they deserve.

Our program empowers underrepresented founders to build amazing businesses. We are invested in the entrepreneurial journey of those who build their businesses out of necessity. We focus on stories and ambitions of Black, Latinx, immigrants, women, LGBTQ, and the formerly incarcerated to build economic mobility for Charlotte and beyond. We provide entrepreneurs with the necessary resources to build their business. The incubator’s curriculum, subject matter experts, and mentors give founders what they need to make their businesses a reality.

Who is this program for?

Entrepreneurs in the Charlotte area.

What problem does it solve?

Entrepreneurship requires a lot of things to come together, including access to resources and guidance.

How does it help?

We offer mentorship, expert guidance, access to capital, and more resources to help build your business.


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