The Entrepreneurial Accelerator

Mills River, NC | In-person

A program that provides entrepreneurs with learning, technical assistance, and resources.

Our program typically focuses on closing the gaps in knowledge, technology, and resources but can be customized to address most needs that often prevent entrepreneurs from thriving. TEA is a 3-day event designed to support low to moderate-income earners, people of color, women aspiring entrepreneurs, and existing business owners by addressing the challenges faced in attempting to commercialize their skill sets, discoveries, or innovations to catapult from concept to the commercial sphere.

Who is this program for?

Entrepreneurs and existing business owners.

What problem does it solve?

Business owners face many challenges during their attempts to commercialize their skill sets, discoveries, or innovations.

How does it help?

We provide support for entrepreneurs to test the feasibility of their ideas, complete comprehensive business plans, clarify assets, develop resources, and build relationships as they progress forward.


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