NC DC Workforce

Raleigh, NC | In-person

We help people in North Carolina find jobs, and we help employers find the qualified talent they need.

We offer services for adults, veterans, youth, and more. We help employers find the qualified talent they need to make their businesses thrive. We also operate NCWorks Online, the state's official job-search portal that is helping connect talented individuals with employers. We also support the work of the NCWorks Commission. Our funding comes from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Trade Adjustment Act, as well as special grants. We're helping North Carolina's job seekers find employment and businesses find workers. We invite you to learn more about our services and see for yourself how we can help you, too.

Who is this program for?

Businesses seeking talented workers in North Carolina.

What problem does it solve?

Looking for talented, qualified workers, but not sure how to find the right people for the jobs you need done?

How does it help?

NCWorks Career Centers help employers find, train, and retain qualified employees at no cost.


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