NC4ME Hiring Event

Hendersonville, NC | In-person

Not your mom's hiring fair! Our Hiring Events set up prearranged, on site interviews for you based on your interests and the company needs.

NC4ME Hiring Events turn the traditional "job fair" model upside-down. Rather than job seekers showing up to look for a match, registered employers and job seekers conduct interviews based on company need and job seeker interests. If you're a startup looking for talented employees with a wide range of experience, check out this hiring event for the opportunity to build and grow your team with veterans.

Who is this program for?

Those with military affiliation who are seeking employment including transitioning service members, spouses, veterans, national guards men, & reservists.

What problem does it solve?

North Carolina's businesses often lack the resources needed to identify and hire qualified military candidates even though they strive to support veterans and service members.

How does it help?

NC4ME leverages existing resources with a new, employer-centric strategy that educates NC's business leaders on the value of hiring a military workforce & connects quality military talent to open positions.

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